Area of Research
1. History of India’s Foreign Policy with various countries of the world and supper power. 2. Contemporary History, Socio, Political, Cultural economic of Modern India and Odisha. 3. Contemporary of power politics of GC/OBC/ST/SC in India and Odisha and minority communities. 4. History of Economic Development and women empowerment of GC/OBC/ST/SC history in India and Odisha and minority community. 5. History of modern industrialization in India/ Odisha. 6. Military and Strategic History7. Economic history of India and Odisha. 8. History of Modern Science and Technology in India. 9. History of social justice and empowerment of weaker sections of the societies in India and Odisha especially related to their share in politics, economic development education, Health. 10. Education, Health care facilities and communication including electronical, prints media, telecommunication, connectivity like roads, bridge, railway line etc.
Teaching Domain
1. International organization like U.N.O. W.T.O European union, organization of American States, African Union, Middle east, International monetary fund, World Bank, International bank for reconstruction and development. Various & reports. World economic forum, BRIC – Brazil, Russia, India, China, Shanghai co – operation, A.S.E.A.N, S.A.A.R.C, N.A.M Asia pacifice co – operation. G-5, G-15, countries. 2. Foreign policy of U.S.A3. Foreign policy of U.S.S.R4. Foreign policy of world super power 5. India foreign policy6. Pakistan foreign policy7. International Affairs8. World History9. Modern Europe10. Modern India & Modern Odisha